Happy Fathers' Day!!

Happy Fathers' Day to the best Dad on the planet, the original P.U.D. (parental unit Dad)! Thanks for supporting all my creative endeavors and occasionally offering assistance from your crafty alter ego, Jym:)I also have to give a shout out to Dad's fam. After yesterday's post, he was kind enough to shoot me this email:Don't forget primo seamstress Lulee. The Culbertsons/Richardsons/Boyds knew a thing or two about cloth. You might be familiar with the work of Nancy Minerva Georgia Elizabeth ......although I can't recommend that for a blog name.And he is correct, my sewing prowess comes from all sides of the family! Thanks Dad...for all the creativity and for being one of my two followers:)xo LC


Practice. Practice. Practice.


From the desk of LC