O Christmas Tree Table Runner TUTORIAL
Welcome back to the TWELVE WEEKS OF CHRISTMAS and welcome to the readers from Bluprint Textiles!! I'm very excited about week 2!This week, we will be making my O' Christmas Tree table runner. We are using triangles, so I apologize in advance for all of the 1/8"'s in this tutorial, but I promise, if you follow along, it's easy! Let's get started!!
1. Fabric: You'll need 1/3 yard of green for the trees, (You can either use multiple prints or select just one.) 1/3 yard white for the background, 1/4 yard red for the binding, 1/2 yard for the backing and a 11" x 3" piece of the brown.
2. Cutting the Green: If you choose to piece your trees, you'll need one each of 3 1/2", 2 1/4", 2", 1 1/2", 1 1/4" x wof (width of fabric) strips.
3. Cutting the Strips: White: Cut one 2" x wof. Then cut this into fourths. (You don't need to be precise when cutting into fourths, we'll be trimming it!) Cut six 11 3/8" x 2 1/8" strips. Cut two 11 3/4" x 2 1/8" strips. Red: Cut three 2 1/4" x wof for the binding. Brown: Cut five 2" x 2 1/8" pieces.
4. Cutting the Half Triangles: To cut the triangles, I use the Creative Grid 60° equilateral triangle ruler. If you don't have a triangle ruler, you can use the 60° mark on your cutting mat or ruler to achieve the correct cuts. Fold the white fabric so that you can align the seam allowance line with the fold of the fabric. We are cutting 8 1/2" tall triangles. It is very important that you align the seam allowance not the middle of the triangle.
The top of the triangle has a notch cut out of it. You want to cut this. It will help you know which way the grain is and will prevent flags from forming when you sew.
Once you have cut your piece, you will unfold it and cut it in half.
5. Cutting the Green Triangles: If you are using multiple green strips, sew them together using a 1/4" seam allowance and press. I did mine in the order of 3 1/2", 2", 1 1/4", 1 1/2" & 2 1/4". It will be 8 1/2" x wof. If you are using one green fabric, cut a piece 8 1/2" x wof. Align your ruler to the top and bottom of your strip. Trim off the excess. Cut five 8 1/2" tall triangles.
You will rotate the ruler from edge to edge to cut the triangles.
6. Attaching the White Background: Using the four 2" pieces of white, lay them out on the trees as shown. You want to align the edge to the narrow end of the triangle; you need excess on the wider end of the triangle.
Because you are sewing on the bias edge of the triangle, I recommend pinning.
After sewing, marry your seams.
While the fabric is still warm from pressing, you can finger press a clean seam. Then press.
You will end up with this.
7. Trimming the White: Now trim the excess white off the top and bottom. Align your tree to the lines on your cutting mat and cut it 8 1/2" tall.
You will end up with this. Trim all four.
8. Piecing the Trees: Make sure that when you piece two angled pieces together, you leave a quarter inch triangle at the end as shown.
Sew together all five trees with white strips in between.
9. Attaching the White Corners: Using the two half triangles, align them with the proper corner.
You will have a 1/4" triangle on one end and the notch cutout on the other.
Sew and press.
10. Attaching the Stumps: For this section, the 11 3/8" x 2 1/8" strips = Piece A AND the brown 2" x 2 1/8" pieces = Piece B. For the side with two trees, sew Piece A + Piece B + Piece A + Piece B + Piece A. Cut one Piece A in half. For the side with three trees, 1/2 of Piece A + Piece B + Piece A + Piece B + Piece A + Piece B + 1/2 of Piece A. Press.Fold the base of each tree in half and mark the center with a pin. Do the same for the center of each tree.
Align the centers of Piece A and the tree to sew together.
I recommend pinning the whole side.
Trim up the ends.
Attach the 11 3/4" x 2 1/8" pieces of white to each end. You are finished piecing!
11. Finising: You have a few options at this point. You can traditionally quilt the piece or attach some notions in lieu of quilting.This is a table runner so the backing will never be seen. I used this- not my usual style, but the guru thought she wanted this for backing on a queen size quilt and she changed her mind, so there's lots of it around. I wouldn't use anything that clashes, but there's no need to buy anything special either.
Pin, baste or spray your backing, batting and top together. I'm a pinner:)
For this option, I used various red buttons and some Perle Cotton #8 in red. I love how it turned out, but to be honest, it took WAY LONGER than the quilted version. This is also the version with just one fabric instead of strips for the trees.
These are the buttons used; I purchased them from Joann.
And this is the quilted version. I did different straight line quilting in each tree. And free motion swirlys to look like snow in the white.
Finished product!!
I hope y'all will enjoy making this little table runner. It will add merriment to your home or make a wonderful gift. If you have any questions, let me know. I will update the tutorial if anyone needs clarification:)Start sewing!xo LC