Quilted Pillow TUTORIAL

I love to make pillows! And quilted pillows are my favorite. This tutorial is for everyone, but at the request of Pam, Patsy & Laurie:) This tutorial is very simple to resize, but I made it with the popular Swoon block which finishes 24x24". This tutorial is designed for those with a basic understanding of quilt binding. If you have any questions, let me know!

20130501-154335.jpg1. Fabric: You will need your quilted pillow front. You will also need 1/2-7/8 yard for the backing and 1/3-1/2 yard for the binding. For my 24x24" pillow, I needed 24" x width of fabric for the backing and 144" of binding.

20130501-155013.jpg2. Backing: Cut two pieces for the backing. They should be the width of your pillow x (1/2 the height of your pillow + 4 to 6"). My pillow is 24 x 24". So I cut 24 x 18". 24" is the width of my pillow. 18" is half the height of my pillow (12") plus 6". The 4 to 6" is for the overlap. I use 6" on larger pillows, 5" on medium sized pillows and 4" on smaller pillows.

20130501-190508.jpg3. Binding: Make your binding. You will need 4 x pillow width + 2 x pillow height. I needed 144". I make my binding by cutting 2" strips.

20130501-191232.jpg4. Binding the Edges: Sew binding to the wrong side of the backing pieces with a 1/4" seam. You will sew to the top edge of one piece and the bottom edge of the second piece. For my pillow, these edges were 24".

20130501-191639.jpgYou'll have this!

20130501-191657.jpgFold the binding back over to the front. Press. And top stitch. I'm normally 100% against machine sewn binding BUT this is the BACK of a pillow. It's okay;) Be neat and it will look great. It's just a straight seam, no corners.

20130501-191743.jpg5. Sew it Together: Lay the back pieces on the pillow. I lay the bottom piece first. NOTE: This is NOT inside out. You're laying the wrong sides together.

20130501-192720.jpgThen lay the top. Pin. I like to use wonder clips instead of pins.

20130501-192745.jpgSew all the way around with a scant 1/4" seam.

20130501-193308.jpg6. Finishing & Binding: Attach the binding to the front all the way around with a liberal 1/4" seam.

20130501-193342.jpgIt will look like this.

20130501-193405.jpgHand sew the binding down to the back as you would on a quilt.

20130501-193422.jpgThat's it!! There are tons of different modifications and adjustments you can make depending on pillow size. I sometimes quilt the back panels as well. Happy pillow making!!xo LC


Sewing Along


All Strung Up