Terrific Tip Tuesday: Numbering Blocks
Today I'm launching a new series on my blog...Terrific Tip Tuesdays!! I'm quite excited about it! Every Tuesday, I will bring you one of my favorite tips...in case you couldn't figure that out from the name.So, here is today's tip! As you know, I'm now working on my third Tula Pink City Sampler and I'm teaching it a lot. The hardest thing about these quilts is managing all the little pieces and still piecing efficiently. Making them one by one would take forever. So, I started numbering my blocks. First I made little numbers on cardstock.
As I cut, I pile all my pieces for each block and then the number on top. I started out using baggies, but the pieces got creases and I found stacking works better.
Then, when I go to sew, I sew through the number first and then piece as much as I can for that block. Don't cut them apart! Then press them. The number is still sewn to it so you know what block it is. Some of these blocks require multiple trips to the sewing machine and iron; the numbers are there the whole time.
And so on, until you have a pieced block with the number still attached. If your layout relates to the numbered blocks, leave it on until you piece your top! If not, snip it off when you're done.
This idea could easily be applied to lots of different types of blocks!xo LC