Terrific Tip Tuesday: Wonders of Washi 1

TerifficTipDo y'all have a love for washi like me? Washi tape is the fabulous paper tape that's printed with lots of adorable prints and patterns. I'm a huge fan and I even have this adorable dispenser! (I bought it on Etsy.)

20140415-135149.jpgI've found quite a few uses for washi in my sewing room and I'll be bringing them all to you as part of the Tuesday Tip series. Here are two that are thread related. You know how unruly monofilament and transparent thread can get. It begins to unravel the moment you open the plastic. I use washi to tape the end to the bottom. Washi doesn't leave a gross sticky residue like most tapes would! You can actually tape directly to the thread on the spool and stay residue free.

20140415-135515.jpgI also use washi to mark my binding as I'm working on it. I stick the needle in to take a break and tape over it with washi. It makes it easy to find my spot and protects the needle from sliding out. AND residue free!

20140415-140903.jpgI keep washi in all my sewing boxes and in my binding kit!

20140415-135858.jpgThere are so many great uses!! I'll see you next week with more wonders of washi!xo LC


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