Terrific Tip Tuesday: Lonestar Points
There's been a little bit of lonestar making in my studio. I guess cabin fever got the best of me...so much snow! Thought I'd share how I worked on my points. First I stuck a pin 1/4" from the edge along the seam of the first piece and into the second piece. This one is also 1/4" from the edge. You can draw the 1/4" seam; I eyeballed it. As you can see, you need the points to align 1/4" in, not at the edge.
Next, I gave the pin a good wiggle. This is a very technical sewing term, "a good wiggle." This way, you can see where the pin was. Remove the pin. Place a second pin in as you normally would. As you stitch, stitch though the pin hole.
This trick works any time you're attaching pieces along an angle and want perfect points. You can check out my lonestar over on Instagram. xx LC