Zipper Cover TUTORIAL
I'm glad so many of y'all are enjoying my Dotty Pouch Tutorial! I've gotten a few requests from my pouch students for a tutorial on how to put zipper covers on that pouch.
Here's how I do it! You will want to do this just before Step 5: Attaching the Zipper if you're making the Dotty Pouches. Cut two pieces that are approximately 1 1/2 x 3".
Fold one in half so it measures approximately 1 1/2 x 1 1/2". Place it on the zipper with the open edges on the two sides and next to the metal end. The folded edge should be toward the majority of the zipper.
Topstitch along the folded edge. I usually use my Bernina #10 foot with the needle moved over two notches. Here I just used my 1/4" foot.
OPEN THE ZIPPER! Lay the zipper along the top edge of your pouch. Fold the second piece as you did earlier. Place it on the zipper so that the folded edge is directed toward the other zipper cover. Place it so that the open edge is flush with the edge of the pouch.
Pin the piece in place. Make sure to carefully align the zipper teeth.
Trim the covers to be flush with the zipper.
I made myself a little pouch for my hand embroidery stuff. (My usual pouch is on loan to Knit One Smock Too!) I used some of the new Violet Craft birds and Cotton + Steel Moonlit by Rashida Coleman-Hale. It's heading to Camp StitchAlot with me!! I'm beyond excited!
And if you missed out on the first pouch class (or were wait listed), we've scheduled another one at Knit One Smock Too. It's July 7 from 1-4. Also, Martha and I are team teaching my project from Stitch on July 24 & 31, 6-8:30. Sign ups are open! Happy Pouch making!xo LC