Want to be Scraptastic?
I love all things scrappy, so it's no surprise I'm a fan of Shannon Brinkley's Scrappy Applique technique. Our guild was lucky enough to host her for a lecture and workshop last year. It was such a fun technique! I made this!! Making it was the fun part...now I must quilt it.And she just told me she's offering online workshops! There are two coming up. The first is this Saturday, the 24th and then another one September 27. You can get all the details and register here. I'm hoping to join in some on Tuesday! Even though I've done her workshop before, there's always something to learn. And the good news is that you don't have to choose, once you sign up, you can go to either or both!
Shannon's also hosting a quilt along for all her skylines. I'm going to make Austin as a present for my best friend! You can check the patterns here and over on Instagram using the hashtag #scrappyskylinequiltalong.
There will be prizes and who doesn't love prizes. So join in the fun! Shannon's technique is fun and SCRAPTASTIC!xx LCPS: This post contains affiliate links. I'm telling you about because I find it interesting and valuable:) They're paying me a small referral fee because they're good people.