Friendship Quilt Along & Freezer Paper TUTORIAL
Have y'all seen the Friendship Quilt Along? I've been following along over on Instagram under #friendshipqal! It's this gorgeous quilt designed by Amanda Herring.Each block focuses on an important value of is HELPFUL! Here is my block.
I used freezer paper appliqué. I thought I'd share a bit about my process. Here's a quick tutorial:Step 1: Trace the templates onto freezer paper. Draw on the paper side. You can use freezer paper from the grocery store, but I prefer C Jenkins freezer paper which is a bit thicker.
Step 2: Cut out the shapes. Remember that your finished project will only be as smooth as what you cut here.
Step 3: Place the shiny side on the front of your fabric. Make sure there is 1/4" around each shape. Run the flower along the bias of the fabric. Think of it as the center of the leaf being along the 45 degree line of the fabric.
Cut 1/4" around each leaf.
Step 4: Peel the freezer paper off the front.
Move the freezer paper to the back without flipping it over. The paper side of the freezer paper should be touching the wrong side of the fabric.
Step 5: Using just the tip of the iron, press the seam allowance to the wax side of the freezer paper. I use a Clover mini iron when I'm doing tons of appliqué, but for just a few pieces, I use the tip of my standard iron.
Step 6: Trim the excess from the tip. Leave 1/16" at the tip to tuck in.
Put a dot of Roxane Glue-Baste under the tip. Press the fabric at the tip into the glue.
This is what you should have! Remember if any part is not smooth, just separate the fabric from the wax and repress. Same goes for the tip, if you're not happy with your tip, pull it out and try again!
Step 7: Use Glue-Baste to glue down each piece. I prefer to cut an oversized background, so mine is 7 1/2" square.
Where do we go from here? Well...tune in next week and I'll be sharing some stitching options! I've also got big plans for my blocks!In the name of friendship, the pattern is a free download. She has a great set of templates that I am using and loving. And if you love the quilt as she made it, Fat Quarter Shop has kits!Join the fun!xo LC